Digitize absence management with software from GFOS

With GFOS, your absence management is now digital: clearly map all of your employees' absences in the attendance and absence recording system. This includes vacation, sick leave, business trips and much more. Various interfaces and evaluation functions help you to process the data easily and speed up your administrative processes.

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Main features
Comprehensive absence management from GFOS

With GFOS, your absence management is now digital: clearly map all of your employees' absences in the attendance and absence recording system. This includes vacation, sick leave, business trips and much more. Various interfaces and evaluation functions help you to process the data easily and speed up your administrative processes.

With the time tracking software from GFOS, you have the option of recording attendance and absences in detail within your company. This allows you to record working times to the minute for business trips, external workshops and more. The absence management software allows you to clearly manage absences such as illnesses and vacations.  

Take a look at how practical it is: all information can also be used for other tasks, such as your employee scheduling. Use the data automatically to create shift plans so that you have clarity about availability and possible bottlenecks at an early stage. A clear approval process for all absence requests ensures that the responsible approvers are informed. Employees submit their requests themselves via the Employee employee self service portal. 

Our various interfaces also enable easy integration into your existing ERP system landscape as well as certified communication with the GKV communication server for retrieving the electronic certificate of incapacity for work. This allows you and your teams to keep track of all attendances and absences.

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Your benefits
The advantages of our absence management software

Digitize absence planning

Finally, no more spreadsheet or Excel chaos: digitize your absence planning with absence management from GFOS.

Data transfer via interfaces

All absences can be transferred to or collected from external systems. Our solution integrates into your existing system landscape. 

Vacation entitlements under control

Vacation entitlements are monitored at all times and exceeding the vacation quota can be avoided.

Simple evaluation

Various reports are available to you in the standard scope of services so that you always have an overview of all absences.

Integration with payroll accounting

Various interfaces to common payroll systems ensure that the word "continued remuneration" no longer causes stress.

Plan absences on the move

The absence management software is currently available in 18 languages and can therefore be used at all your locations.


The absence management software is currently available in 18 languages and can therefore be used at all your locations.

In use

Digital vacation planning for your requirements

With the absence management software from GFOS, you can individually define workflows and processes relating to your employees' vacation planning. This makes it easy to map different requirements:  

  • Definition of vacation accounts/vacation rules 
  • Create up to nine vacation accounts 
  • Define your own workflows for leave requests 
  • Determination of authorized persons and substitutes 

For detailed evaluations, the software creates corresponding lists such as remaining leave, absence statistics and balances at the touch of a button. Your employees can conveniently submit leave requests digitally via the web/intranet or the app. These can then be approved or rejected by line managers. The digital availability of vacation plans gives teams a practical overview - manual wall planners in the office or error-prone Excel lists are now a thing of the past. 

If there is an entitlement to additional vacation days, vacation days can be credited directly via our absence management software. The capping of remaining leave from any month can also be set with little effort, creating maximum flexibility and transparency for company-wide planning. 

Easily retrieve electronic certificate of incapacity for work

Our absence management software is a powerful tool that allows you to process data on sick notes digitally, post them in time tracking software and transfer them to the pay system in an integrated manner. This allows you to reduce your administrative workload, structure processes more efficiently and comply with regulations on continued remuneration. For additional clarity, various sickness cases can be mapped in the software. For example, it is possible to differentiate between "initial notification", "follow-up notification" or "accident at work" and to create separate evaluations for these cases.

There are two different ways to request the implementation of the electronic certificate of incapacity for work with GFOS: 

Request via payroll accounting 

  • Request for electronic certificate of incapacity for work via the payroll accounting system used  
  • Transfer to the GFOS attendance and absence recording system  
  • Existing absences are overwritten 

On request: transfer of cancellation data of the original absences to payroll accounting  

  • Request via absence management with GFOS 
  • ITSG certification is available 
  • Request for electronic certificate of incapacity for work from the GKV communication server (German state-mandated health insurance) 
  • Transfer via web service 
  • Forwarding to payroll systems via interface 
  • Secure processing of the sick note 
Integrate Electronic Wage Replacement into Absence Management

Map the entire process for illness and accident-related absences digitally in GFOS’ absence management software. Request prior illness notifications from the health insurance provider, and the necessary periods are reported back to GFOS. Thus, the electronic certificate of incapacity for work and electronic wage replacement (German abbreviation: EEL) are managed in one system—eliminating the need for manual post-processing.

  • Interface certified by ITSG
  • Linking of prior illnesses and follow-up certificates
  • Real-time paperless processing of information
  • Improved data quality
  • Avoid overpayments: automatic absence adjustment
Infographic showing the electronic wage replacement process

Occupational health management in your company

Reliable information on sickness-related absences can provide important insights into the workforce in your company and any potential for improving your working atmosphere. With GFOS absence management, you can check whether the objective data on sickness cases and days matches the subjective perception within the workforce. Determine after how many days or cases of sickness your line manager or the company health management team should be informed of an accumulation. In this way, steps can be taken at an early stage to promote the health of potentially at-risk employees. In this way, you can make the causal relationship between motivated and healthy employees as well as absences and fluctuation figures visible. 

You also have the option of conducting employee surveys. This allows you to obtain important employee assessments with little effort. This feedback helps you to compare personal assessments of the working atmosphere with your data from the software. The GFOS portal provides a selection of predefined questionnaires based on occupational psychology findings. If required, you can of course also create your own surveys and forward them to your employees. 

Further features

Comprehensive absence management with GFOS

Exchange with the remuneration system

Vacation entitlements and remaining vacation balances can be exchanged with your payroll system as required - vacation recalculation and the transfer of vacation changes are also possible.

Connection to training planning

If your employees take part in an internal or external workshop, the bookings can be stored in the system as absences via the absence management software.

Integration with employee scheduling

If your skilled workers are out sick or have any other reason for absence, this information can be automatically considered for your shift planning in order to easily make changes to shift or duty schedules.

Many analyses

Use the analysis options in absence management to get an overview of sickness and absence statistics, remaining leave and much more.

All features

The functions of our absence management software

Record absences

Record all absences accurately within one system for attendance and absence recording.

Digital vacation planning

No more paper applications: simplify vacation planning with the help of central control within our GFOS solution and take advantage of the savings potential.

Connection of the electronic certificate of incapacity for work

GFOS absence management is certified for exchange with the GKV server and can request electronic sick notes digitally. 


Company health management

Record frequent cases/days of illness and thus enable an early response to developments in your company.

Integration with workforce management

Link your absence management directly to shift and training planning in order to use data multiple times with one-time recording.

Many interfaces

Various interfaces enable the transfer of absences from and to external systems. This is how we can stay flexible.

Success Stories
  • "We were looking to achieve absolute flexibility in the organization of working hours, better evaluation options, a high degree of automation, a transition away from paper applications and the ability to easily map all the requirements of our company agreement."
    Jasmin Holberg (Abteilungsleiterin im Personal- und Finanzwesen, Karl Finke)
  • "We needed a reliable and future-proof system with which we could simplify processes, reduce administrative work and avoid multiple data maintenance."
    Armin Baust (Personalleiter, Vilsa)
  • "This combination of free-field logic coupled with parameterizable interfaces is very important for us."
    Stefan Wirtz (MES-Verantwortlicher, SGL Carbon)

Successes with the absence management software from GFOS

Can digital vacation planning also be used via app?

Yes, using the GFOS.Workforce Management | Mobile module, absence management is also available on mobile devices and in the app.

What are the system requirements for GFOS absence management?

Our software solution has a general configuration standard that works for many companies.  Information on the compatibility of the GFOS software can be found in our system requirements. These are standard requirements. If you have further or more individual requirements, we will find a solution together. Our IT experts will be happy to advise you on your project.

Can absence management with GFOS software also be operated in the cloud?

Yes, the entire GFOS ecosystem is available in the cloud. Our GFOS knownCloud offers you the necessary security with server locations in Germany. This means you can implement the solution in your company more quickly and scale it as required.

Who can view and evaluate the various absences in the company?

You can easily define all responsibilities and authorizations in the software. This allows you to give your employees an overview of vacation overviews, vacation accounts and more, for example. Authorized supervisors can also view sick days, cases and more in order to initiate protective measures at an early stage and promote occupational health management. Remaining vacation balances, reasons for absence and more can also be evaluated for efficient workforce planning.

What is the electronic certificate of incapacity for work?

The electronic certificate of incapacity for work is a digital confirmation of an employee's incapacity for work. Instead of a traditional paper certificate, the electronic certificate of incapacity for work is created and transmitted electronically. Its purpose is to document the course of an illness and it facilitates interaction between employees, employers and the health insurance company. The electronic certificate of incapacity for work is processed either by the remuneration system or by the time tracking software used. However, patients must still inform the employing company about the case of illness.

Why GFOS software is worthwhile

Users: 3 million

On average, 3 million users utilize GFOS software every day. This is how we digitize working environments worldwide and ensure future viability. 

Custom Interfaces 70+

The system was designed for easy integration into your existing IT architecture. We’ve preconfigured custom interfaces for 30 of the world’s most popular payroll management applications and another 40 custom interfaces for common ERP systems. 

Countries: 30

Our software is serving to cut labor costs substantially in over 30 countries.

Languages: 18

GFOS solutions are available in 18 languages. This means you benefit from the international deployment options.

Experience: 35+ years

With over 35 years of success and a broad partner network, we offer cross-industry solutions for companies of all sizes.

Act now

Want to get the absence management software from GFOS for your company or want more information about it? Then just get in touch with us!

Thorsten Karras 
+49 (0)201 / 61 30 00


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