TÜV Rheinland

Certified partners

About the partner

TÜV Rheinland stands for safety and quality in a wide variety of areas and is one of the world's leading testing service providers. GFOS is ISO-27001-certified by TÜV Rheinland: Thus we can guarantee the highest standards in IT security management. The gfos system and the GFOS knownCloud offer security-tested and highly available hosting and software solutions that meet all the requirements and quality features of TÜV Rheinland.

  • Company, customer, and employee data are protected in the best possible way through predefined security standards for storage, processing, and deletion - no data is processed without clear consent.
  • Our highly effective risk management, the continuous implementation of security, and penetration tests as well as compliance with all GDPR guidelines ensure additional data and information security.
  • Our customers receive reliable data centers and software solutions that meet all security requirements in the context of digital transformation and are available at any time with an availability of >99.6%.
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+49 . 201 • 61 30 00

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Call us at

DE: +49 . 201 • 61 30 00

CH: +41 . 41 • 544 66 00

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