LST Sp. z o.o.

Value Added Reseller

About the partner

LST Sp. z o.o. was founded in Gdansk in 1993 by Dr.-Ing. Karol Doerffer, who owns the company together with Westernacher & Partner AG a multinational enterprise with branches in USA, Germany and India. LST is SAP business partner. The company employs around 80 people.

Our mission is to implement business solutions for our Customers supporting them in gaining competitive market advantage. This mission is fulfilled by:

  • helping our Customers to formulate business strategy and to develop business processes that support that strategy,
  • defining information needs and information system concept,
  • choosing best IT tools,
  • complete implementation of the defined solution.

Supplying our Customers with modern management methods and IT tools, LST enables them to manage their organization in the most effective way. Information is one of the main resources in the enterprise. This is information, that makes it possible to take good managerial decisions, under one condition however: that the proper information is delivered to proper person in a proper time and place. To make this happen every organization needs an information system tailored to its specificity. LST's goal is to support its Customers in a process of creating and improving the information system.

To fulfill our Customers' needs LST offers:

  • business consulting in creating innovational IT solutions, strategic enterprise management, business process redesign, modern cost accounting models, human resources management and supply chain management,
  • help with information solution definition and choosing right IT tools that will manage it,
  • wide range of management information systems,
  • implementation consulting for these systems,
  • hardware solutions.

Contact information of LST Sp. z o.o.


LST Sp. z o.o.
Grunwaldzka 45A 
81-754 Sopot, Poland

Phone / Fax


Call us at

+49 . 201 • 61 30 00

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Call us at

DE: +49 . 201 • 61 30 00

CH: +41 . 41 • 544 66 00

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