Ellrich & Kollegen Beratungs GmbH

HR digitalization partner

About the partner

We are a management consultancy based in Nuremberg and Berlin that specializes in optimizing HR processes. With more than 20 years of professional and practical expertise, we support HR managers from the private and healthcare sectors in all matters relating to the optimization of organization, processes and systems.

We believe that HR departments can and must make a significant contribution to a company's success in the future. True to the motto "Corporate success from the HR department", it is therefore our goal to create scope for our clients for value-adding and qualitative HR work, for example by significantly reducing the time spent on administration. In doing so, we support our clients in dealing successfully with the effects of the shortage of skilled workers and the (associated) pressure to digitalize.

Our customers include companies such as DPD Deutschland GmbH, Volocopter GmbH, Bartels-Langness Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, GASAG AG Berlin, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe and Malteser Hilfsdienst as well as DRK Kliniken Berlin, Matthias-Stiftung and BG-Kliniken.

Further information can be found at https://www.ellrich-kollegen.de/

Contact details Ellrich & Kollegen Beratungs GmbH


Ellrich & Kollegen Beratungs GmbH
Theodorstr. 5
90489 Nuremberg

Phone / Fax

Phone: +49 911 / 13 13 13-10
Fax: +49 911 / 13 13 13-11

Call us at

+49 . 201 • 61 30 00

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Call us at

DE: +49 . 201 • 61 30 00

CH: +41 . 41 • 544 66 00

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