HR digitalization partner

About the partner

DATEV eG is the cooperative software company and IT service provider for tax consultants, auditors and lawyers and their mostly medium-sized clients. The company is one of the largest providers of business software in Germany. Its range of services primarily includes accounting, human resources management, business consulting, taxes, law firm organization, enterprise resource planning (ERP), IT services, training and consulting. Founded in 1966 and based in Nuremberg, the cooperative works with its members to improve the business management processes of 2.5 million companies, municipalities, associations and institutions with its solutions.

Contact details DATEV eG


Paumgartnerstr. 6-14
90429 Nuremberg

Phone / Fax

Phone: +49 (0)911 / 319-0

Call us at

+49 . 201 • 61 30 00

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Call us at

DE: +49 . 201 • 61 30 00

CH: +41 . 41 • 544 66 00

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