Commitment: Awakening enthusiasm for technology at an early age

The shortage of young professionals in the IT sector is an alarming issue. To prevent this from worsening, we need to set the right course today. For this reason, GFOS is specifically committed to the STEM sector. Our commitment today fosters the impetus for the issues that will shape our society in the future. 

Commitment and support

Our aim is to kindle an interest in technology in young people and make them aware of crucial decisions in their careers at an early age. This is why all our projects for young people focus on promoting the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

We are committed to a wide range of projects for various age groups - spanning from the youngest children to students. We are involved in various school collaborations, early education and practical projects - with expertise, materials and resources as well as financial support.

By promoting women in the tech industry, we are helping to create a fairer society where everyone has equal opportunities regardless of gender. When women are successfully represented in the tech industry, they can serve as role models for girls and young women interested in pursuing a career in this field. By giving visibility and support to women in tech careers, we can encourage the next generation to pursue their skills and passions, regardless of gender expectations.

GFOS-Innovation award

The GFOS Innovation Award recognizes the best IT projects.

GFOS Java Summercamps

The GFOS Java Summercamps combine practical applications with fun learning.

Early childhood education support

We want to spark enthusiasm for technology in even the youngest children through play.

School partnerships

We want to promote young IT talent in the Ruhr metropolis.

University partnerships

We cooperate with universities in the region.

Women in Tech

Women are underrepresented in many technical professions, whether due to gender bias, stereotypes or other barriers. By promoting women in the tech sector, we are helping to reduce these inequalities and create a fairer society in which everyone has equal opportunities regardless of gender. 

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DE: +49 . 201 • 61 30 00

CH: +41 . 41 • 544 66 00

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