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Cyber Security: How to Protect Your IT Infrastructure

Companies have a vital interest in protecting their IT infrastructure from potential damage of any kind. In recent years, the risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime has steadily increased. For this reason, companies need to take a close look at cyber security in order to protect both the integrity of their IT infrastructure and their overall business viability.

What is Cyber Security?

The term cyber security refers to all measures that serve to protect critical IT infrastructure, networks and data from digital attacks. The focus of cyber security or IT security is the defense against all digital attacks from internal or external sources that aim to access company systems or data without authorization. 

Cybercrime as a Risk Factor - Why Cyber Security is Relevant

The days when cybercrime was a rather obscure threat are now over. According to a Bitkom study on the topic of economic protection in 2024, the number of cyberattacks on companies has recently increased significantly. They majority of the companies surveyed (65%) believe that cyberattacks threaten their business existence. At the same time, the participants - in CRITIS sectors and beyond - expect a significant increase in such digital attacks.

In view of the fact that not only the damage caused by cybercrime but also the level of professionalism of the attackers is continuously increasing, the topic of cyber security has been gaining in importance for years. This applies both to companies in the critical infrastructure sector and to SMEs that want to protect themselves against potentially serious attacks by hackers and the like.

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Important Aspects of a Cyber Security Strategy

In business practice, the topic of IT security must be considered at various levels. To ensure the integrity of infrastructure and data, it is essential that technologies, processes and employees are aligned with this clear objective. Awareness of cyber security must be created in processes and in people's minds.

Key aspects of such a cyber security strategy are:

Types of Cyber Threats - Cyber Security in Practice

Companies are faced with a constantly evolving threat situation. Attacks on IT can take many different forms and can be carried out by both technical structures and individuals. It is therefore crucial for companies to be aware of some of the most common cyber threats. This enables them to quickly identify any anomalies or classic “red flags”.

Cyber Security in the Company - Tips for Implementation 

The multitude of types of cyber attacks makes it impossible to fully protect your own company from such attacks. Nevertheless, every company is faced with the challenge of dealing intensively with the topic and preparing itself as best as possible for future attacks and further possible developments in cybercrime.

Keeping Software Up To Date with Updates 

Outdated software can represent a significant risk factor for companies' cyber security. Important security updates are often missing, which provides an ideal target for criminals. Antivirus programs in particular should always have the latest software version so that malware can be detected and removed reliably and quickly. A popular model here is hosting - essential updates are provided directly and critical updates are carried out automatically. GFOS offers suitable solutions as part of our Cloud & IT Infrastructures services.

Use Secure Passwords

Passwords that consist of simple terms or short sequences of numbers, for example, pose a significant security risk. Passwords should be suitably complex and contain a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. At the same time, it must be ensured that these passwords are only accessible to authorized users. Where possible, additional security levels such as two-factor authentication should be used.

Create Regular Backups

When it comes to cyber security, companies are well advised to create regular backups. These can be stored in a cloud environment, for example, so that they can be quickly accessed and restored in the event of damage. You should then regularly check whether the backups are up-to-date and functional. 

Pay Attention to the Email Risk Factor

Emails are often the gateway for all kinds of cyber attacks. Therefore, emails, especially those from unknown senders, should always be handled with caution and skepticism. Email attachments should only be opened if there is certainty about the identity of the sender. The same applies to clicking on links. In the interests of cyber security, it is advisable to contact the supposed sender directly in case of doubt to verify the authenticity of the email.

Knowing Current Threats

In order to prevent possible attacks on company IT, it makes sense to regularly find out about “trends” in the field of cybercrime. What types of attacks are currently taking place particularly frequently, perhaps also in relation to a specific industry? Those responsible are well advised to pay attention to the current news situation and to proactively research current security vulnerabilities in order to take appropriate measures. This explicitly includes making essential information on possible cyberattack scenarios known throughout the company. This reduces the risk of cyber security being compromised by uninformed company employees.

Secure Physical Locations

Protection against cybercrime starts with protecting your own premises. Companies need to know and be able to track who has digital and physical access to sensitive data or access to business-critical areas at all times. With the right access control software, individual authorization concepts can be assigned and electronic locking systems can control access to individual sections of the building. Ideally, all these authorizations can be adjusted in real time, enabling a rapid response to any security risks that arise in order to prevent attacks.

Realizing IT Security - With Solutions from GFOS

Only an IT infrastructure designed to the highest security standards can provide a solid basis for the cyber security of any company. With the GFOS knownCloud, our customers receive an ISO 27001-certified hosting solution with data centers located in Germany. This makes the GFOS knownCloud suitable for the highest demands in terms of data storage in accordance with current security standards and data protection requirements. With this and other solutions, we support companies against any form of cyber threat.


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